Monday, November 29, 2004

Not my fault

Parents of Philadelphia, put your worries behind you. Dr. Sergio Rodriguez has been removed as Principle of John Stetson Middle School in Kensington and with that the violence and gratuity that has plagued the school is over. Yeah...right. And illeterate kids deserve certificates because they filled in the right bubbles.
The sad truth of the matter is that the rape is not the school's fault. It's not the adminstration's fault. It's definately not the teachers' fault. Fault can be placed on the child but in truth it lies in the child's upbringing and the environment that Edison and the for-profit schools have created. As a friend of mine recently put it "if everything you ever see is shit, you're gonna act like shit."
When the CEO of the school district is paid a whopping $300 000 bonus for raising test scores by an outstanding 1%, and the 7th graders at Stetson Middle School don't have textbooks, there is a problem. When the students can't multiply single digits and the answer to that is give them calculators, there is a problem. When a 15 year old girl in 7th grade who is pregnant can't read the instructions on a math quiz, there is a problem. The problem will not be corrected by removing a principle, another staff member or any number of teachers. The problem can and will only be corrected by returning public education into public hands. Take the emphasis off of multiple choice standardized tests and pay attention to see if the kids are actually learning anything.
All that said, the fault for the 11 year old rapists actions still lie primarily with the child and his parents or whoever allowed him to come to believe that such an action was permissible. One has to keep in mind that the fight supposedly began over a handball. That an 11 year old would choose to settle a dispute over a handball by assaulting and raping another boy is not the fault of a school. There is no feasible way that parents should expect a school to constantly monitor the movement and actions of the student body.

Thursday, November 11, 2004


For fun, here's a Wolverine Volume 3 ed2k link
ed2k://|file|COMICS US -- Wolverine v3 #09-15.rar|56366664|e96729eb53f5a1d3d5427003c58df252|">COMICS US -- Wolverine v3 #09-15.rar

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Passionate Conservatism

With democrats losing more of the senate and failing yet again to take control of the House of Representatives, many Democrats across the country are scratching their heads, wiping their tears, and trying to figure out who their neighbors are. No less than 11 states took the opportunity presented by Election Day to legally discriminate against a minority group in this country. Thank the Lord almighty for the ever-repressible gays of the world. They provide the perfect enemy we can rally against. With Karl Rove’s promise delivered, to bring millions of Evangelical Christians to the polls who did not vote 4 years ago it is little wonder that these measures passed. To the brave people of Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon and the Great White State of Utah, I say congratulations. You’ve showed America and the World that if someone in this Land of the Free, and Home of Brave is different, they should be punished and stripped of their rights to love, live and be merry. Bravo.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Giant Douches and Turd Sandwiches

Matt Stone and Trey Parker did it again. They took a sentiment shared by millions around the world, frustrated time and time again with the current state of democracy and the frightening lack of decent political candidates. This election is no different, having had all the interesting democratic contenders like Al Sharpton, Howard Dean and...uhm...well, Al Sharpton and Howard Dean, trimmed from the race through the beautiful primary system.

They deliver the usual forced message dulled by the nuances that accompany a giant douche or a piece of shit surrounded by lettuce, cheese, and bread. Unfortunately, we don't have a choice. We can rally behind those "interesting" candidates all we want but whenever it counts, chances are, we'll be let down and disappointed in the end. Such is the game of politics. As the PETA member tells Stan near the end of the episode, it takes a douche or a turd to tough it out long enough in politics to be on the ballot.